Solar Panels
When we were first approached by a company in Ipswich they thought that to replace their entire roof it would be too costly. Their call had been in regards to an overclad, as they had heard that this type of refurbishment might be a bit more budget friendly.
Initially we pricde for an overclad as requested, however following on from our discussions we had understood their ultimate goal, so suggested pricing for a roof replacement so they could see how this can be budget-friendly too!
Our recommendations not only advised of replacing the roof; we suggested things to consider when assessing the overclad vs the roof replacement. By removing the asbestos roof, they would be eligible for the asbestos land remediation tax relief – at 150% – and with the installation of a new Kingspan Quadcore panel we also provided them with costs to have a solar installation on the roof – which ultimately would offset the cost of the roof in its entirety!
12 weeks after receiving the PO we completed the strip and resheet with a brand new solar installation about to be installed by the JDB team. It has been a pleasure working with a forward-thinking company, and JDB are proud of the results!